Back on November 3rd, I finally planted out all the seedlings I’d started for Becky’s Garden. This garden bed was not planted during the summer of this year because of my gardening break I took. In previous years, I’ve only planted stuff here in the summertime, but the weeds are just awful here, so I am hoping the spring garden will help suppress some of them next year.

At the time of planting, I used the granular Miracle Gro fertilizer for the pansies and Osmocote Plus for everything else.
I have planned out what I want to plant where for each garden area for spring/summer 2025, using Microsoft Excel. This is what the spring layout looked like (which is planted in the above picture).

And summer’s plan:

The Excel file is in a ‘Becky’s Garden’ folder in my 2025 planning folder for gardening. And in that folder is a list of all the plants. This comes in handy when I want to look back on previous years to see what I grew.

This is what I planted in Becky’s garden at the beginning of November.
- Pansy – Spring Matrix Tricolor Mix (39 plants for the front border)
- Snapdragon – Snapshot Pink (20 planted behind the pansies)
- Rudbeckia – Prairie Sun (5 plants)
- Dianthus – Sweet Red (5 plants – pinched back when planted)
- Scabiosa – Fama Deep Blue (3 plants)
- Pansies – Frizzle Sizzle Burgundy and Frizzle Sizzle Lemonberry (5 each in the container)
82 plants total. I can’t wait to see it fill out and be in full bloom come springtime! I snapped the picture below this morning, after fixing one of the rudbeckias. We finally got some rain yesterday, and one of the 2 indoor/outdoor cats was too lazy to use the bathroom somewhere else and ended up digging up one of the rudbeckia. This area went almost 2 weeks without any issues – which is longer than I expected!