Sowing Seeds: Sept 2024 Part 2

I’m a little behind on this round of seeds as I wanted to get these sown a week ago, but it’s not too big of a deal. There aren’t many on the list for this last part of September. Each time I sow seeds, I always print out what I’m sowing for that day by making a list out in Microsoft Excel.

I just filter by the date I am going to sow. I have everything through next summer planned for sowing dates. The next column is the number of plants I need, and the next is the depth of the seeds. BC-LR means ‘barely cover, light required for germination.’ Most seeds will germinate around the 70° mark, but there are a few that need cooler temps for germination, so that’s handy info to have when sowing.

This is the list of stuff I sowed today.

  • Anemone – Gemstone Chocolate (first time doing these from seed)
  • Coreopsis – Lance-Leaf (I forgot to cold stratify these seeds for 30 days prior to sowing, so I might have to resow these in late winter. I am planting these in a new planting area where they are free to happily reseed themselves.)
  • Snapdragon – Madame Butterfly Red / Chantilly Light Salmon / Legend Light Pink / Orleans Early Lemon Yellow
  • Pansy – Spring Matrix Sangria (because the ones I sowed in August had zero germination)
  • Viola – Sorbet Citrus Mix (again)

So when I sowed the first batch of the above viola seeds back in August, apparently I accidentally sowed snapdragon seeds instead. Because these are definitely not violas.

These are the Snapshot Pink snapdragons I sowed the same day.

Oooops! I’m going to have a lot of extra Snapshot Pink snapdragons. I had around 50 seeds total of these citrus mix violas. I sowed 30 today and looking back at my notes, I had sown 20 the beginning of September for a new planting area. At least I know with certainty that I did not sow any in August like I thought I did (meaning I would have mislabeled some of the other pansies/violas I’d potted up earlier this month). *WHEW* Hopefully this is the only goof.

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